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“We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.” – Carl Sagan


  • 2017    Fontaine SN, Ingram A, Cloyd RA, Meier SE, Miller E, Lyons D, Nation GK, Mechas E, Weiss B, Lanzillotta C, Di Domenico F, Schmitt F, Powell DK, Vandsburger M, Abisambra JF. Identification of changes in neuronal function as a consequence of aging and tauopathic neurodegeneration using a novel and sensitive magnetic resonance imaging approach. Neurobiology of Aging. Aug;56:78-86.

  • 2016    Fontaine SN**, Sabbagh JJ, Martin MD, Chaput D, Darling A, Trotter JH, Stothert AR, Zheng D, Lussier AL, Baker J, Masso-Maldonado S, Shelton L, Blair LJ, Stevens J SM, Dickey CA**. DnaJC5/CSPα facilitates the extracellular release of neurodegenerative-associated proteins through its interaction with Hsc70. The EMBO Journal, Jul 15;35(14):1537-49. **co-corresponding author

  • 2016    Fontaine SN, Martin DM, Dickey CA. Neurodegeneration and the Heat Shock Protein 70 Machinery: Implications for Therapeutic Development. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 16(25):2741-52.

  • 2016    Sabbagh JJ, Fontaine SN, Shelton LB, Blair LJ, Hunt Jr JB, Zhang B, Lee DC, Lloyd JD, Dickey CA. Non-contact rotational head injury produces transient cognitive deficits but lasting neuropathological changes. Journal of Neurotrauma, epub Mar 16.

  • 2016    Stothert AR, Fontaine SN, Sabbagh JJ, Dickey CA. Targeting the ER-Autophagy System in the Trabecular Meshwork to Treat Glaucoma. Experimental Eye Research 144:38-45.

  • 2016    Meier SM, Bell M, Lyons D, Rodriguez-Rivera J, Fontaine SN, Mechas E, Chen J, Wolozin B, Levine H, Zhu H, Abisambra JA. Pathological tau promotes neuronal damage by impairing ribosomal function and decreasing protein synthesis. The Journal of Neuroscience, Jan 20;36(3):1001-7.

  • 2015    Fontaine SN, Akoury E, Assimon VA, Sabbagh JJ, Borysov S, Mackenzie D. Martin, Nordhues BA, Zweckstetter M, Gestwicki JE, Dickey CA. The microtubule associated protein tau is a required co-chaperone for active Hsc70 to control microtubule dynamics.  Human Molecular Genetics Jul 15;24(14):3971-81.

  • 2015    Fontaine SN, Rauch JN, Nordhues BA, Stothert AR, Assimon VA, Cockman M, Chang L, Li P, Sabbagh JJ, Stevens SM Jr, Zuiderweg ERP, Gestwicki JE, Dickey CA. Isoform Selective Inhibition of Constitutive Cytosolic Hsp70 Promotes Client Tau Degradation Through an Altered Co-chaperone Complement. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. May 22;290(21):13115-27.

  • 2015    Fontaine SN, Sabbagh JJ, Baker J, Martinez-Licha CR, Darling A, Dickey CA. Cellular factors influencing mechanisms of tau aggregation.  Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2 May;72(10):1863-79.

  • 2015    Martin MD, Calucul L, Smith C, Jinwal U, Fontaine SN, Darling A, Seeley K, Wojtas L, Narayan M, Gestwicki JE, Smith G, Reitz A, Baker B, Dickey CA. Synthesis, Stereochemical Analysis, and Derivatization of Myricanol Provide New Probes that Promote Autophagic Tau Clearance. ACS Chemical Biology. Apr 17;10(4):1099-109.

  • 2014    Stothert AR, Suntharalingam A, Huard DJE, Fontaine SN, Crowley V, Mishra S, Blagg B, Lieberman RL, Dickey CA. Exploiting the interaction between Grp94 and aggregated myocilin to treat glaucoma.  Human Molecular Genetics Dec 15;23(24):6470-80.

  • 2014    Sabbagh JJ, O’Leary JC III, Blair LJ, Klengel T, Nordhues BA, Fontaine SN, Binder EB, Dickey CA. Age-Associated Epigenetic Upregulation of the FKBP5 Gene Selectively Impairs Stress Resiliency. Plos One, Sep 5;9(9):e107241.

  • 2013    Blair LJ, Nordhues BA, Hill SE, Scaglione KM, O'Leary JC 3rd, Fontaine SN, Breydo L, Zhang B, Li P, Wang L, Cotman C, Paulson HL, Muschol M, Uversky VN, Klengel T, Binder EB, Kayed R, Golde TE, Berchtold N, Dickey CA Accelerated neurodegeneration through chaperone-mediated oligomerization of tau. Journal of Clinical Investigation, Oct 1;123(10):4158-69

  • 2013    Fontaine SN, Jinwal UK, Thompson A, Gestwicki JE, Dickey CA. The nucleotide binding domain of heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70) regulates tau clearance and stability Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. Vol. 9, Issue 4, Supplement, Page P315

  • 2013    Ybe JA, Fontaine SN, Stone, TA, Lin X, Nix J, Mishra S Nuclear clathrin involves a labile helix outside the trimerization domain. FEBS Letters, 587(2):142-149

  • 2012    Fontaine SN, Bauer SP, Lin X, Poorfarhani S, Ybe JA  Stabilization of the coiled-coil domain of huntingtin-interacting protein 1 (HIP1) causes aggregation and cell death. FEBS Letters 589 (19): 3030-3036

  • 2009    Fontaine SN, Brown DR Mechanisms of prion protein aggregation. Protein and Peptide Letters 16(1):14-26

  • 2009    Kralovicova S, Fontaine SN, Alderton A, Alderman J, Ragnarsdottir KV, Collins S, Brown DR. The effects of prion protein expression on metal metabolism.  Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 41(2):135-47

  • 2008    Davies P, Fontaine SN, Moualla D, Wang X, Wright JA, Brown DR.  Amyloidgenic metal binding proteins: new investigative pathways. Biochemical Society Transactions 36(Pt 6):1299-303

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